The 10th World Congress for Microcirculation  

Markos poster 2Dissemination of our study work continued in September 2015, with a poster presentation at the 10th World Congress for Microcirculation (WCMic 2015), which took place in Kyoto International Conference Center (Kyoto, Japan) between the 25th-27th of September.

The World Congress for Microcirculation is one of the biggest international conference series on small veins, takes place every 4 years and is well-attended by some of the best scientists in the field, from all over the world.

Our poster (focusing on the study protocol and methods as these were amended at the end of July 2015) attracted a lot of attention receiving requests from other U.K. and European research centres to take part in future trial stages.

Many of our colleagues interested in chronic microcirculatory diseases are looking forward to the study findings waiting to see how exercise affects recurrence rates and healing in venous ulcers, with a view to implement a similar protocol to other conditions of the skin microcirculation as well.


BHFNC Annual Conference 2015

EM Poster pictureWe are excited to inform you about our first conference presentation on FISCU study material.

Emma McIntosh took part in the 2015 Annual BHFNC and NCSEM-England conference, after our abstract was selected by an expert committee. The conference took place at Loughborough University on the 23rd September 2015.

The theme of the conference looked at the role of physical activity in the prevention and management of long term conditions, it was well-attended and our poster presentation, which can be found here, was well received.

Dr. Garry Tew and Miss Emma McIntosh attended the conference on behalf of the study team and had the chance to exchange ideas and views about the study with other researchers, health professionals, healthcare students and members of the public who also attended.


Public Health England Annual Conference 2016sue-presentation

Sue Kesterton presented an e-poser on behalf of the FISCU research team at the Public Health England Annual Conference 13-14th September 2016, held at Warwick University. Over 1450 participants, representing a wide range of organisations, attended the Public Health England Annual Conference to learn, network and share knowledge and experience.

The theme of this year’s conference was Evidence into action, and the conference promoted and showcased the application and translation of science and research, to support effective local and national action to improve public health. Posters were displayed in ePoster format on screens, rather than boards, and were also viewed on smart phones and tablets by delegates.

Our innovative qualitative e-poster, which can be found here, explored the patient experience of a supervised exercise intervention for participants with venous ulcers, contributing to the public health outcome of ‘Improving quality of lives’ subtheme of the conference. The poster received positive feedback about translating research into practice on promoting physical activity for patients with venous leg ulcers.